Saturday, December 25, 2010


Besides store brands, there are really only 2 kinds of raisin bran. Post and Kellogg's. But it amazes me that Kellogg's raisin bran even exists in a world where Post raisin bran exists. How is it possible! This is something I often wonder. Very often. Almost every day. Here is a list of reasons why Post raisin bran is superior to Kellogg's raisin bran.

P.r.b. raisins are plumper
P.r.b. raisins are more juicy
P.r.b raisins are softer
P.r.b. raisins are not coated in sugar
maybe cause P.r.b. uses actual SUNMAID RAISINS in their cereal, not some junky raisins
P.r.b. has a more practical and balanced ratio of raisins to flakes
Less ingredients in P.r.b. then in K.r.b.
P.r.b. flakes are more absorbent
P.r.b. flakes taste better
P.r.b. is less expensive
NO high fructose corn syrup in P.r.b.
P.r.b. has a better box design
P.r.b. has more fiber

Look you guys. Don't take my word for it. Decide for yourself. But I can pretty much guarantee that you'll enjoy the taste of Post raisin bran more then Kellogg's raisin bran. Here is a fun idea: next time your at the store, buy a box of each! Be sure to note the price difference. Try both cereals, one after the other, and compare tastes and feelings you get from eating each. Write down your notes in a nice journal or notebook. Keep score! 1 point for each positive taste and feeling. When you are finished both cereals, compare your notes. Which one had the best overall score? You can also compare your notes with your friends if you feel like it! Which brand of cereal had the best overall score amongst your group of friends? Feel free to create your own variations of this game! Just remember, have fun! Another fun thing to try is adding extra raisins to your cereal! How many raisins can YOU handle?

A special video of me eating Post raisin bran and loving every second of it but also disappointed with the small amount of milk I had to eat it with:

Side Note: Trader Joe's makes a very good raisin bran

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